Monday, April 8, 2013

Letting go a little

For the past several months, I have been a prayer partner at my church. If you're unfamiliar with that term, I was one of the people at the altar available to pray with anyone wanting prayer after service. It's something I take very seriously. But I see now, I got there before I was ready. I'd often feel unhelpful or struggle for the words to pray. It was something I wanted to do, because I know how much it helped me when I'd been the one needing prayer. But as time passed, I felt less prepared to do it, rather than more. It's not where God wants me. So today, I sent off my resignation email, praying for no negative responses. My leader sent back the nicest, most gracious note of understanding and thanks. I feel so at peace with this decision. I want to spend more time praying and learning about God and less time thinking about church. I still plan to attend, but this will allow me to spend more time at home with my love.


L. J. Lowe said...


My love was my main reason for quitting.

Bwahaa. The captcha that I have to enter to send this comment says... noworkie. Well, well, well. :)

Penny said...
